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連接文化和自然:ICCROM-BFU 2024遺產(chǎn)與景觀保護(hù)大會召開

媒體:微信公眾號  作者:中國風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)協(xié)會
專業(yè)號:西雙版納州林業(yè)和草原局 2024/10/23 16:15:11


Linking Culture and Nature



ICCROM-BFU 2024 遺產(chǎn)與景觀保護(hù)大會


北京林業(yè)大學(xué)園林學(xué)院與國際文化遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)與修復(fù)研究中心(ICCROM)-世界自然保護(hù)聯(lián)盟(IUCN)共同支持的世界遺產(chǎn)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力計(jì)劃(WHL)于2024年10月19日-21日在北京林業(yè)大學(xué)舉辦“連接文化和自然:ICCROM-BFU 2024 遺產(chǎn)與景觀保護(hù)大會”。

The School of Landscape Architecture of the Beijing Forestry University (BFU) and the ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership programme announced the “Linking Culture and Nature: ICCROM-BFU HERITAGE & LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION CONFERENCE 2024” that took place at BFU campus in Beijing, China from 19 to 21 October 2024.



Group photo of guests at the conference venue

本屆大會主題是:連接文化和自然。世界各地從事遺產(chǎn)研究的300余名學(xué)者、管理者匯聚京城。大會共有來自全世界的60余位重要嘉賓,參會代表來自23個國家,涵蓋了除南極洲外的五大洲。來自ICCROM、IUCN、ICOMOS、UNESCO等重要國際組織的官員和代表,武裝沖突情況下保護(hù)有形和無形文化遺產(chǎn)國際協(xié)會、東南亞教育部長組織考古與美術(shù)區(qū)域中心和聯(lián)合國教科文組織東亞地區(qū)辦事處、聯(lián)合國教科文組織亞太地區(qū)世界遺產(chǎn)培訓(xùn)與研究中心(北京、上海、蘇州)、中國風(fēng)景園林學(xué)會、中國古跡遺址保護(hù)協(xié)會 (ICOMOS CHINA)等國際國內(nèi)機(jī)構(gòu)的代表和專家,挪威東南大學(xué)、德國科隆大學(xué)、日本東京大學(xué)、意大利都靈理工大學(xué)、秘魯工程技術(shù)大學(xué)、南非開普敦大學(xué)、澳大利亞塔斯馬尼亞大學(xué)、波蘭華莎斯蒂芬·維辛斯基樞機(jī)主教大學(xué)、瑞典哥德堡大學(xué)等國外大學(xué)的學(xué)者,和沙特阿拉伯遺產(chǎn)委員會、澳大利亞亞瑟港歷史遺址管理局、阿聯(lián)酋阿布扎比文化和旅游局等國外遺產(chǎn)地管理機(jī)構(gòu),清華大學(xué)、北京大學(xué)、同濟(jì)大學(xué)、復(fù)旦大學(xué)、北京林業(yè)大學(xué)等國內(nèi)高校的專家學(xué)者們,以及北京市公園管理中心、頤和園、圓明園、天壇、中山公園、景山公園、蘇州園林、黃山、巴丹吉林沙漠、九寨溝等多處遺產(chǎn)地的管理機(jī)構(gòu),就共同面臨的挑戰(zhàn)和機(jī)遇進(jìn)行深入交流。

The theme of this conference is: Linking Culture and Nature. Over 300 scholars and managers engaged in heritage research from around the world have gathered in Beijing. The conference features more than 60 prominent guests from all over the world, with representatives from 23 countries, covering all continents except Antarctica. Officials and representatives from important international organizations such as ICCROM, IUCN, ICOMOS, UNESCO, the International Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Times of Armed Conflict, the Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, World Heritage lnstitute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the Auspices of UNESCO (Beijing, Shanghai,Suzhou), the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, and ICOMOS China, among others, are in attendance. Scholars from international universities such as the University of Southeast Norway, University of Cologne in Germany, University of Tokyo in Japan, Politecnico di Torino in Italy, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología in Peru, University of Cape Town in South Africa, University of Tasmania in Australia, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland, and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, as well as representatives from heritage management institutions like the Saudi Commission for Heritage and Antiquities, the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority in Australia, and the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi in the UAE, are participating. Experts and scholars from domestic universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Tongji University, Fudan University, and Beijing Forestry University, along with Beijing Municipal Administration Center of Parks, the management institutions of heritage sites like the Summer Palace, Yuan Ming Yuan Ruins Park, the Temple of Heaven, Zhongshan Park, Jingshan Park, Suzhou Gardens, Mount Huangshan, the Badan Jilin Desert, and Jiuzhaigou Administration Bureau, are engaging in in-depth exchanges on the challenges and opportunities we collectively face.



Launch of the Joint Lab of Heritage& Landscape Conservation by BFU and ICCROM

大會宣布,基于國際文化遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)與修復(fù)研究中心(ICCROM)與北京林業(yè)大學(xué)園林學(xué)院的合作而建立的遺產(chǎn)和景觀保護(hù)國際聯(lián)合實(shí)驗(yàn)室正式成立。這是我國在此領(lǐng)域的首個國際聯(lián)合實(shí)驗(yàn)室,中方主任由遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)專家曹新副教授擔(dān)任,ICCROM方負(fù)責(zé)人為世界遺產(chǎn)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力計(jì)劃的項(xiàng)目主管尤金·喬(Eugene Jo)。這標(biāo)志著國際遺產(chǎn)和景觀保護(hù)將有新的視野拓展。ICCROM和BFU雙方合作已經(jīng)進(jìn)入實(shí)質(zhì)性階段,并制定了近5年計(jì)劃。這次大會就是重要的合作成果之一。

The conference announced the official establishment of the International Joint Lab of Heritage and Landscape Conservation, based on the collaboration between ICCROM and the School of Landscape Architecture at BFU. This marks China's first international joint laboratory in this field. The Chinese Director is Associate Professor Cao Xin, an expert in heritage conservation, and the ICCROM representative is Eugene Jo, the project manager for the World Heritage Leadership Program. This signifies a new expansion of vision in international heritage and landscape conservation. The cooperation between the two parties has entered a substantial phase, and a five-year plan has been formulated. This conference is one of the important outcomes of this collaboration.




Prof. Li Xiong


Vice President Li Xiong of Beijing Forestry University delivered the opening speech at the conference, in which he stated that in recent years, China has continuously strengthened its efforts in the protection of natural and cultural heritage. Our country has voiced its perspective grounded in Chinese cultural context in the global conservation vision, leading to a wider recognition and understanding of China's natural and cultural heritage on a global scale. China's natural and cultural heritage stands out in the global conservation system and is a shared legacy of humanity. He pointed out that Beijing Forestry University and its School of Landscape Architecture hold a significant position in the education and research of natural and cultural heritage protection, as well as landscape conservation, having accumulated a profound foundation of interdisciplinary comprehensive research. We look forward to using our collaboration with ICCROM as a platform to connect more heritage sites, heritage management and research institutions, and experts and scholars in the field of heritage, to carry out more in-depth and extensive exploration, exchange, and cooperation.



Mr. Li Rusheng

李如生理事長代表中國風(fēng)景園林學(xué)會對“ICCROM-BFU 2024遺產(chǎn)與景觀保護(hù)大會”的召開表示熱烈祝賀。李理事長說中國風(fēng)景園林學(xué)會高度重視遺產(chǎn)與景觀的保護(hù)工作,積極組織開展中國風(fēng)景園林相關(guān)的申遺工作,定期組織圍繞國家公園、文化景觀、遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)等開展研討,積極推動與國際機(jī)構(gòu)、同行的合作。未來,中國風(fēng)景園林學(xué)會在遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)與文化景觀方面將采取一系列重要措施和努力,引導(dǎo)中國風(fēng)景園林學(xué)界、行業(yè)支撐中國國土自然特色與文化傳統(tǒng)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展。

Chairman Li Rusheng, on behalf of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, extended congratulations on the convening of the "ICCROM-BFU 2024 Heritage and Landscape Conservation Conference."  Li stated that the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture attaches great importance to the work of heritage and landscape conservation, actively organizes and carries out the application for World Heritage status related to Chinese landscape architecture, regularly organizes discussions focusing on national parks, cultural landscapes, and heritage conservation, and actively promotes cooperation with international organizations and peers. In the future, the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture will adopt a series of important measures and efforts in the area of heritage conservation and cultural landscapes, guiding the Chinese landscape architecture academic community and industry to support the sustainable development of China's natural characteristics and cultural traditions.



Prof. Zhang Jie

中國古跡遺址保護(hù)協(xié)會(ICOMOS CHINA)副理事長張杰教授進(jìn)行致辭并作主旨演講。他表達(dá)了ICOMOS CHINA對會議的熱切關(guān)注,對ICCROM和BFU建立合作的支持、鼓勵及對雙方建立遺產(chǎn)和景觀保護(hù)國際聯(lián)合實(shí)驗(yàn)室的熱烈祝賀。ICOMOS CHINA與國際組織有著緊密聯(lián)系和合作,學(xué)會希望有更多更深入的遺產(chǎn)研究相關(guān)的國際協(xié)作產(chǎn)生,期待大家在文化與自然連接的探索中,推動遺產(chǎn)的保護(hù)。

Professor Zhang Jie, Vice Chairman of ICOMOS CHINA, delivered a speech and keynote address. He expressed ICOMOS CHINA's keen interest in the conference, support and encouragement for the cooperation between ICCROM and BFU, and warm congratulations on the establishment of an International Joint Lab. for Heritage & Landscape Conservation. ICOMOS CHINA maintains close ties and cooperation with international organizations, and the association hopes for more in-depth international collaboration in the field of heritage research. We look forward to everyone's exploration of the connection between culture and nature, and the promotion of heritage conservation.

ICCROM總干事Aruna Francesca Maria Gujral女士,IUCN世界遺產(chǎn)團(tuán)隊(duì)主任Tim Badman先生,ICOMOS代表Hatthaya Siriphatthanakun女士,UNESCO東亞地區(qū)辦事處代表Shahbaz Khan先生也分別致辭,從國際視野和國際趨勢表達(dá)了對于此次會議主題的強(qiáng)烈關(guān)注以及對ICCROM和BFU合作的熱情支持。

ICCROM Director General Aruna Francesca Maria Gujral, IUCN World Heritage Team Director Tim Badman, ICOMOS representative Hatthaya Siriphatthanakun, and UNESCO Representative for the East Asia Region Shahbaz Khan also delivered speeches respectively. They expressed their strong interest in the conference's theme from an international perspective and international trends, as well as their enthusiastic support for the collaboration between ICCROM and BFU.


△ICCROM總干事Aruna Francesca Maria Gujral女士

ICCROM Director General Aruna Francesca Maria Gujral


△IUCN世界遺產(chǎn)團(tuán)隊(duì)主任Tim Badman先生

IUCN World Heritage Team Director Tim Badman


△ICOMOS代表Hatthaya Siriphatthanakun女士

ICOMOS representative Hatthaya Siriphatthanakun



UNESCO Representative for the East Asia Region Shahbaz Khan


As the host of the conference and the partner of ICCROM, Dean of the School of Landscape Architecture Zheng Xi expressed a warm welcome to the international organizations, domestic and foreign academic institutions, and heritage site units. He also looked forward to leveraging the international platform to drive cooperation, utilizing the strengths of the School of Landscape Architecture and the discipline to expand research and education in heritage and landscape conservation, taking on social responsibilities, and promoting conservation development. Finally, Professor Zheng Xi announced the official launch of BFU Global Education and Research Centre of Landscape Architecture.



Prof. Zheng Xi



Chinese Director Associate Prof. Cao Xin



ICCROM Representative Eugene Jo


This conference provided a platform for assessing the latest advancements in global heritage and landscape conservation. The content of the conference's keynote reports was extensive. It included topics such as the international perspective on World Heritage conservation, the characteristics of the cultural and natural connections in World Heritage sites, the conservation experiences of important Chinese garden heritage sites, the conservation experiences of Chinese natural heritage sites, the values and experiences of newly inscribed World Heritage sites this year, case studies from the previous phase of the World Heritage Leadership Program's heritage site workshops, explorations of the types and methodologies of landscape heritage, research and practice cooperation from the perspective of heritage site management and research institutions, among others.





The conference guests jointly explored global practices, knowledge, and research related to landscapes and heritage sites. They also engaged in sub-forum discussions that integrated research and practice around themes such as “Heritage Management and Sustainability: Linking Culture and Nature for Effective Heritage and Landscape Management” and “Innovative Heritage Communication and the Dissemination of Heritage Values.” During the conference, a total of 196 valid works were received, covering 96 higher education institutions, colleges, research institutes, corporate organizations, and heritage units both domestically and internationally. Meanwhile, ICCROM organized a global team to conduct the second round of HPL Workshop discussions. The conference also featured exhibitions of heritage sites, the achievements of the Garden Academy, and sub-forum poster exhibitions. Multiple heritage sites opened their doors to welcome experts and scholars for visits and inspections.Please stay tuned for the following detailed coverage of the conference!



World Heritage Leadership programme

Heritage Place Lab



Conference exhibition: The Exhibition of World Heritage Sites



Conference exhibition: Floral arrangements



In March 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the "Global Civilization Initiative" at the High-Level Dialogue between World Political Parties, jointly advocating for the respect of the diversity of world civilizations, promoting the common values of humanity, emphasizing the inheritance and innovation of civilization, and strengthening international cooperation in cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

本次“ICCROM-BFU 2024遺產(chǎn)與景觀保護(hù)大會”的召開,是遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)國際組織首次在中國聚集的會議,在遺產(chǎn)與景觀保護(hù)領(lǐng)域具有里程碑意義。大會體現(xiàn)了我國在全球保護(hù)的視野中展示出中國文化背景的聲音,使我國的自然和文化遺產(chǎn)在全球范圍內(nèi)得到更廣泛的認(rèn)可和理解。

The convening of the "ICCROM-BFU 2024 Heritage and Landscape Conservation Conference" is a milestone meeting as it is the first time an international heritage conservation organization has gathered in China. The conference reflects China's voice with its cultural background in the global conservation perspective, leading to a broader recognition and understanding of China's natural and cultural heritage on a global scale.


The conference has received great attention from numerous institutions within the industry. IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature); Beijing Municipal Administration Center of Parks; Summer Palace; Temple of Heaven; Beijing Zhongshan Park; Jingshan Park; Yuan Ming Yuan Ruins Park; World Heritage lnstitute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the Auspices of UNESCO (Suzhou); Suzhou Conservation and Monitoring Centre for the Classical Gardens of World Cultural Heritage; World Heritage lnstitute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the Auspices of UNESCO (Shanghai); Mount Huangshan; Songshan Global Geopark; World Heritage lnstitute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the Auspices of UNESCO (Beijing); Jiuzhaigou Administration Bureau; Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; Beijing Ming Tombs; Landscape Architecture Journal; Beijing Forestry University International College; Beijing Forestry University Institute of Culture and Natural Heritage; China Flower Arrangement Association(CFAA); Beijing Association of Flower Arrangement and Art Studyand other organizations have participated in the conference as co-organizers, providing strong support for the related work.


Conference Website

詳情請見會議網(wǎng)站: https://23151.scimeeting.cn

Please refer to the conference website for details:https://23151.scimeeting.cn







Media Partners




Side Events







Conference Exhibition: Heritage Site Exhibition, Paper Poster Exhibition.

Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park: During the conference, free entry with the conference delegate card.

BFU International College: Heritage Fair.

Central Axis park heritage sites: During the conference, Temple of Heaven, Zhongshan Park, Jingshan Park, free entry visit with the conference delegate card.

Mount Huangshan: Free entry with the conference delegate card before New Year's Day.

Jiuzhaigou Valley: Free entry with the conference delegate card before New Year's Day (Additional sightseeing shuttle bus ticket is required).





International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property



Beijing Forestry University






ICCROM is an intergovernmental organization(China is one of the state parties), one of the three major advisory bodies of UNESCO (the other two are ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites) and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) ) and has a vast network of conservation experts,  working in service to its Member States to promote the conservation of all forms of cultural heritage in every region of the world. It operates in the spirit of the 2001 UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, which states that “Respect for the diversity of cultures, tolerance, dialogue, and cooperation, in a climate of mutual trust and understanding, are among the best guarantees of international peace and security.” Those working on the front lines of heritage preservation, including scientists, conservators, museum curators, site managers, archivists, researchers, and archaeologists, rely on ICCROM for its world-class initiatives in conservation training, information, research, cooperation, and advocacy.


For more information, please refer to the official website of ICCROM: https://www.iccrom.org/


供稿:ICCROM-BFU 2024遺產(chǎn)與景觀保護(hù)大會組委會

審稿:鄭 曦


責(zé)編:蘇 潔 孫 艷



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